Thursday, January 6, 2011

I felt it on Saturday. Or started to at least. 2011 isn't going to be like any other year. Yeah i know you've heard that about every other year that has come and gone, but this year has already started unlike any other. I've decided to start fresh in a number of ways. Writing is one of them. I love to write. I really do. But i haven't for a long time. I'm comfortable not letting people read what i write. Who likes to be uncomfortable? The problem with being comfortable is you aren't growing. And growing hurts, its supposed to. You're being stretched and molded into hopefully who God wants you to be.

I'm pretty sure Noah wasn't
comfortable building a so-called "boat" to prepare for this so called "flood". He had no idea what either of those were; the Earth hadn't even seen rain yet. I don't know about you, but I'm glad Noah decided he would rather be uncomfortable and doing God's will than please the mindless heathens around him by ignoring what he was being told and go on with his normal life. I'm sure that would have been more "comfortable". Until the flood came. Drowning knowing if he had just listened to what God was telling him to do would have saved him, his family, and all of existence. Mmm. Sounds comfy.

Now I'm not telling you to go make yourself as uncomfortable as you possibly can. Don't decide to ride the city bus for all of 2011 and sit next to the homeless schizophrenic man everyday because he makes you uncomfortable. That's the wrong kind of uncomfortable. You have to know which situations are going to grow you.

Ask God what your "arc" is. What is he asking you to do that you've either been putting off or swearing it must not be God talking to you because it's so "outrageous". Let 2011 be your year of focusing on where God wants you. He has it all planned out anyway and he has your best interest in mind. We serve a God who just wants to see His children happy. He loves us more than we can even imagine and He knows what's best for us. He created us!! He formed our minds and emotions. Don't you think he knows what He's doing?


  1. that'll preach! I think we would be surprised to find how often our "unhappiness" in life is due to the fact that we have pushed aside God's plan, for one of our own making...which only leads to misery.
    Ignoring the voice of God = no peace & no growth.
    That's God's wisdom. Keep on keeping on! ;)

  2. Love it! It takes courage to share your voice. So, be courageous, we all need a little Amanda wisdom!

    Jenn Lee
